Leadership Circles

Leadership circles are widow-to-widow support groups where widows come together weekly to biweekly to offer each other love, encouragement and support. Each leadership circle engages in activities that improve widows’ spiritual, economic and psychosocial health. In 2020, we added nine new leadership circles into Nyanam, one from Siaya County and eight from Kisumu County. These nine leadership circles have membership totaling to 233 widows, each circle having between 15 to 40 widows. This brought the total number of widows at Nyanam from 115 to 358 widows.

Nyanam’s family of widows is still expanding based on need and requests we receive from widows to include them in our work. We have prioritized a once-a-year recruitment in the last quarter of the year. In these leadership circles, widows use their connectedness and cumulative experiences to influence each other in leading self and household well. They also use their unified voice in the circles to advocate for change in their communities.